3 Column Text 2018-04-11T23:26:06+00:00

J’Equestrienne Logo

The leg/saddle combination logo was originally drawn by Jutta Heinsohn herself and has been trademarked since 2000. In 2014, Jutta and Laurie discussed changes in the training business and changes in demography and economy and decided to focus their attention on education, instruction and the amateur horse for the amateur rider... J'Equestrienne was born. Visit JEquestrienne.com


Andacielo Pure Spanish Horses

Mary wanted a logo for her new farm, Andacielo Pure Spanish Horses.  She was looking for a face-to-face look with focus on the Pura Raza Espanola.  I had a very definite idea in mind for this logo and wanted to incorporate Mary's vision for the text. The logo was produced in cooperation with a very talented Polish artist residing in Germany named Anna Lukasik-Fisch.  She produced the functional line art for the horse heads.